Dave VanBenschoten Memorial


Dave VanBenschoten
November 8th, 1953 – April 9th, 2016

All of us who came
to know Dave and love him as a brother during the hours we worked together
on our Chapter’s stream restoration projects will miss his down-to-earth
manner and his lightning-sharp wit. Dave was a tireless worker for our
Chapter and put in countless hours in stream restoration work that most of
us never knew about — way and above the regular Saturday stream-restoration
workdays. Through Dave, we also came to know his wonderful wife and family.
Our first thoughts go out to them.
Bill P.

Dave had a way with words. Having grown up in NJ
I thoroughly appreciated his company. His candid dialogue was
in synch with my inner thoughts. Over the years there were
more than a few last minute workdays at Redbud and many of
those Dave was the only one to show. We’ve had some great
work days but my fondest memories are from the ones spent
with Dave. Charge on old buddy!!
Jim L.

While he may have seemed rough around the edges to some, he cared deeply about
the chapter, all of the members and especially our stream restoration efforts.
I told Erich and Liam about Dave’s recent illness and passing tonight and they
were both saddened to learn the news. Liam said he’d miss his gruff voice and kind words.
And Erich said he’d miss picking rocks with Dave in the landfill. I know I’ll miss how he
touched my sons while we worked together on Red Bud. Let’s be sure not to take our
time together for granted, regardless of whether we’re fishing, picking rocks or releasing
fingerlings. What matters is that we do it together….
Bless you Dave!
Drew P.

This is very sad. And while I haven’t been active there were some occasions
that I spent on the stream with Bud, Dave and a number of other great members
and Dave always made a deep impression on me. He was what my wife Erika would
call an armadillo. Hardened on the outside but soft in the inside. My sympathies
for Dave’s family he was unique thoughtful and caring man.
Jeff K.

I am overwhelmed at the loss of Dave, our intrepid rock roller. His presence always
made an impression in the room whenever he was there. There will be a hole in our
chapter’s soul at his passing. Maybe Bud can hang a sign somewhere by Redbud or Chapel
with a little cross and a Harley Davidson insignia that says “Dave’s wing dam”.
Here’s to you old friend.
Dan B.

Dave, yes a gruff voice, but the softest, kind-hearted man who always did more work than
his share. He was always so pleasant and enthusiastic while he worked. He was a real man.
He is missed.
Jim S.

Ellen and I send our heart-felt condolences to the Van Benschoten family on your
loss — it saddens our souls so very much. And we know how much you will miss Dave,
as will we. My life was made richer for having known Dave, and his unique and special
personality will always reside in my mind. This picture, labeled “January 2011 Work Session”
from Chapel Run, captures the essence of Dave — joining his crazy friends, working in the
freezing cold water with snow on the ground, to help protect our streams!
Mark Z.

I first met Dave on Chapel Run when Bud had brow beaten a few of us to come help him
roll rocks and logs. My first thought was “this has got to be a historical mismatch.”
My thoughts were: what is this biker dude doing working on a stream restoration project?
He really didn’t even fish. But he became one of Bud’s most reliable helpers using his
strength and mechanical knowledge to great advantage. When he found out I was a dog lover
we connected. Trading stories about his “guys” and my “guys” became a regular event whenever
we met. I have always believed that any person that likes dogs and that dogs like in turn
has got to be alright. And yes, Dave was better than alright. I’ll bet Dave has already
signed up to improve some fish habitat for St. Peter. I’m also sure he will have some four
legged companions to help him along.
We are really gonna miss you Dave.
Stan I.

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